Videos on Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose

I read a book about Jagadish Chandra Bose when I was in high school. The book taught me how to look at everything around you with questions in mind. Bose was probably the greatest Bengali scientist ever and has been a source of inspiration for many Bengali scientists. 20th November was his birthday. The occasion made me revisit some of his works and contributions to science. I found these two videos on youtube about him.

The first one:

The second one:

The videos talk about Bose's life, philosophy, and scientific achievements. A few quotes from the video that keeps buzzing in my brain: "So much to do but so little time to do it in." When the company people approached him for patent right on his invention on radio waves he said, "Science is not for sale." Indeed this great person cherished science as a religion. The science institute he founded in India called Bose Institute is inscribed by Jagadish Chandra's quote:  "I dedicate today this institute - not merely a laboratory but a temple."

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